Check out this video from our Roundup Elementary Teachers! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmslG3Ev8K8&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR04_TRTQBIxGGy5I5D_5exTGjyGWs4eRG1Y-yxpNcVcNrrx7lEA1JknAlU

Please be advised, the ACT test has been postponed. We will pass along updates as we receive them.

Students: YEARBOOK NEEDS YOUR HELP. We want pictures of what you are doing during social distancing. These can be in "Meme" format, but keep it appropriate. Please send them by Monday, March 23 at 3 pm to amyjones@roundup.k12.mt.us

This mission will be supported through the wise use of resources to meet students' needs, regardless of interests and talents. Students, families, educators and the community are committed to sharing the responsibility for creating a student-centered educational community that acknowledges learning as a life-long process.

The mission of the Roundup Public Schools is to challenge and empower each student to maximize individual potential and become a competent, productive, responsible and caring citizen.