Panther Athletics
Roundup Public Schools offers a comprehensive athletic program starting in 5th grade. Our goal is that through participation students learn teamwork, discipline, sportsmanship, citizenship, and confidence. It is important to understand that athletics and extra-curricular activities are a privilege, not a right.
Students must earn the right to participate by:
1. Demonstrating acceptable behavior and attitudes in representing Roundup Public Schools
2. Remaining in good standing with Roundup High School attendance policy.
3. Displaying strong academic habits: All work is due the day the student leaves unless otherwise arranged by the teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain future assignments and schedule make-up exams before he/she leaves.
5. Being a “team participant”.
6. Being a role model for youth in the community.
7. Following all RHS District Policies.
8. Displaying positive sportsmanship at all times.
9. Final decisions are up to the administration
All athletes need the following before practice:
1. Physical
2. Concussion Form
3. Training Rules / Drug Test Authorization Form
4. Team Fee / Activity Ticket
5. Impact Test
Good Luck Panthers!