Jr. High Girls and High School Girls Basketball tonight from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Elementary School. Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff
Youth Panthers Volleyball Camp Cost: $30/ an athlete July 18-20 4pm-6pm RHS High School For Grades 4-7th The RHS Volleyball program is proudly putting on a 3 day camp for upcoming grades 4-7th. The camp will include technical drills and games that will allow for your child to gain knowledge and experience. The camp will be run by Coach Barth with the assistance from the HS volleyball athletes. The camp will be run at the High School! To sign up please use the link below to fill out the google form, or email cisleebarth@roundup.k12.mt.us
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff
Volleyball Camp
Jr. High and High School Girls Basketball will be happening tonight at the High School Gym, 6:00 p.m. Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff
Just a reminder that there will be an elementary camp for grades 4-6 girls and boys starting today at 10:00 at the elementary gym. Sign ups will start at 9:30. Cost of the camp is $30.00 per athlete. Checks or Cash are accepted. Make checks payable to Rick Griffith. There will be no 7th and 8th grade boys open gym this week. The coaches that open the gym are helping with the elementary camp. The next open gym for junior high boys will be Wednesday, July 6th, at the high school at 10:00.
over 2 years ago, Rick Griffith
Need a car wash? The RHS volleyball program will be at Wash Montana ( 1016 main St Roundup ) from 9am - 5pm! $15/wash Thank you for your support! GO PANTHERS!
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff
Please stop by the District Office on Wednesday June 29th between 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM to meet your new superintendent Josiah Mayfield and family.
over 2 years ago, Roundup School District
Year End School Board Meeting Wednesday, June 29 7:00 PM
over 2 years ago, Roundup School District
Year End School Board Meeting
Jr. High and High School Girls interested in playing basketball next year will be practicing tonight 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the High School.
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff
Reminder Open Mat for wrestlers 7-12 grade tonight 6-8 p.m. at the community center followed by Football tonight 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the football field.
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff
High School Girls Basketball - will have open gym tonight at the elementary at 6 p.m. See you there!
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff
High School Boys basketball players will have Open Gym at the high school Monday and Wednesday of this week at 6:00.
over 2 years ago, Rick Griffith
Open Golf for all student athletes 8th - 12th grade today 6/13 and Wednesday 6/15 at the Roundup Golf Course. Open to all golfers! Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff
Today is the first day of basketball camp for girls and boys going into the 7th and 8th grade next year. The camp will be held at the Roundup Elementary Gym from 10:00-12:00 on June 13, 14, and 15. Registration forms were sent home with students at the end of the school year and they have been posted on the school website and Facebook page. If you lost your form there will more available at the door today. It is $30.00 paid by check or cash. Make checks payable to Rick Griffith.
over 2 years ago, Rick Griffith
We thank those in our school community that came out tonight to support our students. It was great to see the students that we did and we are thankful for you. We are sending our staff home at this point tonight. If you would like to talk or need support, please reach out to our junior high and high school counselor, Dr. Cliff, at jennifercliff@roundup.k12.mt.us. If you need immediate support, please call the National Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255. Remember, as our students, you are loved and we care about you.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Cliff
The Roundup School Community is saddened to receive the news of the unexpected passing of a former student. The high school is now open for any students who would like to come together. Staff is on sight to welcome and support our students during this difficult time.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Cliff
Regular Roundup School Board Meeting - Monday, June 13th
over 2 years ago, Roundup School District
June 2022 School Board Meeting
Parents: Roundup High School is offering Summer School to students who want to recover credits lost during the school year. Summer School will begin June 1. Students can recover credit lost during the regular school year over the summer. Hours will be 8:00AM to Noon Monday through Thursday through June. Please contact the High School Office at 406-323-2402 by June 6 for more information.
over 2 years ago, Ken Larson
Sign up forms for Elem and JH, girls and boys, interested in summer basketball camp have been posted to the school facebook page and are also available in the elementary school office. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Mr. Griffith at the elementary school, 406.323.1512
over 2 years ago, Roundup Public Schools
Reminder - The last school day for students is this Thursday, May 26th. The elementary will start loading buses at approximately 10:45 AM and the high school students at 11:00 AM.
over 2 years ago, Roundup School District
Attention 2022 Seniors! Graduates and Parents please note the Roundup District Facebook page for picture information and times tomorrow! Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Tom Cliff