The last week of April is always the beginning of our year end testing. Grades 3-6 are required to take the federal test which is the SBAC and they will do their last round of NWEA tests after all grades have completed their SBAC. Grades K-2 will take the NWEA for the last time this year. Starting on Monday, April 25, 3rd and 5th grade will start on the SBAC and 2nd grade will begin their NWEA. Teachers will be sending home reminders the day before testing please watch for them on your email, phones, or paper copies. Please be sure your children get a good night sleep and breakfast in the morning of the test.
Roundup Elementary will not be participating in community cleanup today. Mrs. Godfrey will have the Lip Sync contestants available for everyone to watch. She will post a link on the FaceBook page at 4:00 today for parents to view the contestants.