Elementary News
The end of April is fast approaching and that means our students will begin their annual testing, SBAC, in grades 3-6 and then finish our last round of MAPS testing for all students. Teachers will be sending notices home with students the day before the testing. It is really important that students get a good night sleep the night before, something for breakfast, and most importantly they attend so we can complete all of the testing.
May 7th our sixth graders will host Simutown which is the culminating event for the Go Program. They will set up in the gym on May 6th after school and prepare for festivities. Mrs. Godfrey will be disseminating more information as we get closer. On May 7th the 6th graders will be getting their immunizations that are required by the state.
Also, on May 7th students who are in grades 4, 5, and 6 will have the opportunity to get physicals at the elementary during the day. The cost of the physical is $25 dollars and parents need to stop by the office and pick up paperwork from Millie for the physical. These physicals will allow students to participate in activities the following year. All students who plan on participating in extra curricular activities are required to have a physical.
A reminder to parents that students need to continue turning in their sheets for “Books for Kindles”. Also, Millie has Yearbooks for this year. She has sent out an order form with all students. She only ordered 80 so when they are gone so is the chance to have a Yearbook!!